Saturday, January 19, 2019

No Witches Were Harmed

I’m usually better at realizing I’m dreaming. When I first woke up, I wrote down the setting was Cinthia's house, though as the day went by, I remembered Marisa's. I’m thinking it was neither and both. We do that in dreams, mash people up like soft pieces of clay and interchange their shape as we see fit throughout our nightly feature. We do it seamlessly from scene to scene, sometimes even in the same scene. So, Marinthia’s house sat by a lake. I didn’t really want to be here, but here I stood, forcing myself to socialize at a massive gathering where a bunch of strangers I used to know were excitedly catching up as if not a day had passed. “I know him, but not his name.” I think to myself and keep walking.
On the other side of the room, I catch a glimpse of Chris’s laptop. A dark mix of ‘Stupid Girl’ I’ve never heard before emanates from it loudly while girls I’ve know since childhood sway slowly as if in a trance. I see people who shouldn’t be here, but I’m glad to get to see them one more time. Something doesn’t feel right, and I’m too afraid to approach them. I spot Veronica singing along and I forget about the departed. “These are my people,” I remember now, “They loved me once.”
I feel a sudden drop in temperature; the cold traveling inward, starting from my extremities and meeting at my core. “It’s not the temperature,” I assess my surroundings. I can feel the fear spreading like venom.
It’s daytime, but the sky is dark with clouds and a waterspout is slowly beginning to waltz in the distance. It’s color doesn’t match the sky around it and is rather that of thick, unforgiving smoke.
“The man in black,” I think to myself. I immediately regret being here.
“I should have checked the weather. I should have stayed home. I can’t die here. Who will take care of him,” thoughts on my child.
I watch, frozen and feeling impotent as the cyclone approaches. I try to walk across the room to a safer spot, as if there is one. I struggle with every step. I’ve felt this before, riding on a ferry sailing through choppy waters. The house is lifted by the swirling winds and begins to spin in a pattern that’s nothing short of drunkenly. All I can feel is the heavy weight of my feet. It’s so hard to move. My mind wanders and I imagine bodies being tossed around me. “First the sea gave up her dead.” I recall a line from a novel. Maybe I’ll be one of them. No, that’s not an option. I try to lift my right foot, but it’s as if magnets are holding it in place.
I regain focus as we are dropped abruptly. The rest of the house is gone. It’s as if the only room that remains is the one where I am standing. “We’re so near the edge of the lake,” I think to myself, realizing most of what is left of the property now sits on the water hanging loosely to the bank of the lake. I don’t want to drown. As the structure sinks and my nerves take reign, I think of that house I once saw submerged in water. It was a tourist attraction. “Where was that?” I can’t remember.
Now I’m outside in a hallway leading to communal bathrooms. Maybe a pool? I accept my luck without questioning why I’m no longer in the house, forgetting about all of the people whose life I feared for seconds ago. I’m alone. I can see another cloud of whirling smoke approaching. “Do I hide in the bathroom or run to my car? I need to get home."
I wake up, sweaty and a bit disturbed, and begin to fervently write down bullet points on my purple notepad. This will help me remember. “Cinthia’s house!” I write under a reminder I’ve since long ignored, sure and unaware this will later feel less clear and more like “Cinthia’s house?"

There’s no ending, just this eternal cliffhanger.



  1. 2020.03.22酒店上班-兼差兼職PART-TIME 酒店工作常問的問題
    是有簽約/合約對吧? 不可違約?
    薪水大約多少 怎麼領的? 應該不是月薪吧?
    桌面服務,般人通常會想偏 其實桌面服務是很簡單 也很單純的一件事
    A.容器杯類有5種(威士忌杯 也就是洋酒杯 ;啤酒杯: 水杯 也就是開水杯;熱茶杯 ;公杯)
    B.熱毛巾(當服務生送熱毛巾給消費者使用後 摺整齊後放在旁)
    C.水果盤(把面積較大的水果 細分小塊後送至消費者面前)

    A.當消費者要點歌時 要主動起身(不等消費者開口) 拿麥克風歌本(或遙控器)
    B.千萬別讓消費者自己倒酒(或水) 甚至要主動按服務鈴請服務生入內(如倒熱茶 熱毛巾)
    C.若消費者有拿煙的動作 記得協助點煙


    a :合約內容本身要件要有【商營利事業登記編號/還有政府認證核發蓋章】因為這些文件都是要繳稅的….一但登報稅了,您自己想想妳在職期間這幾年{妳}家人~早就會知道你在八大行業了…..反而家人卻沒發現,每年也都沒有繳稅單更沒有勞健保,因為這份是假合約【法律用語:偽造文書】
    b :合約內容常有一段話:幾年以內不能離職/幾年內不能更換經紀人。這番話已經觸犯【法律用語:強制罪】
    c :從一開始的違法合約到內容的不人道,甚至離職還又要賠償..。我梁曉尊跟妳說【妳被唬了】
    d :重頭到尾觸法的假合約,真的到警察局/法院 {妳}是贏家。
    e :我梁曉尊做經紀人快十年了…我還沒見過有經紀公司拿著合約去警局敢賭這件事。
    1.其實酒店所謂的規定 取決於是人與人之間互動的生意
    所以特別狀況不一 但不見得常發生
    2.現在條例都寫的十分清楚 若會有扣錢的規定 主要是針對調皮的小姐
    一般小姐不會犯錯 是不會扣錢的 這點請放心
    3.例如桌面服務沒做好(Google搜尋:梁曉尊/梁小尊 網站內有專文提到) 跟客人互動不熱絡或是喝醉不能上班之類的。
    還有上班不遲到不早退(會扣錢) ,不跟客人報消費價錢(要一問三不知)
    到班的日子~不亂請假 上班時要服裝儀容整齊乾淨 不可帶違禁品
    2.和客人保持和諧的氣氛 畢竟消費者不是來受氣的
    也別在客人面前提及消費方式 其他就如同和朋友互動一樣喔
    3.其實不要喝醉 這些就不是大問題 清醒時當然會行事更謹慎些
    4.八卦事件聽聽就好 千萬別過嘴 否則公親變事主
    酒的種類繁多 .客人喝的酒不止一種.也許第一桌喝啤酒.
    因此閃酒的技巧非常重要!.如何不讓客人發現的情況下.讓自己少喝一點.要和客人玩什麼樣的遊戲.才能把時間拉長.自己少輸點少喝點. 這些都是基本功!

    下午:3點班、4點班、5點班、6點班 (每個班次往後推7小時,就是妳的上班時間)
    晚間:7點班、8點班、9點班 (每個班次往後推7小時,就是妳的上班時間)
    註:有床的地方不能去 汽車旅館/飯店,包括私人辦公室!。不用擔心得罪客人,也不用怕被扣錢! 當下可立即離開~ 切記先保護自己。
    酒店小姐出場接S 純屬個人行為。有些人想賺這個錢….但有些酒店小姐認為不需要!
    但是不會有任何人去逼你 為難做自己不喜歡的事。
    我梁曉尊舉個例子 女孩們會覺得更貼切 也比較淺顯易懂的邏輯 :
    八大行業商品是(人),今天(妳)面前站3個人有~ 王陽明 康康 NONO
    (妳)肯定會問 王陽明 可不可以出場接S ?!
    至於王陽明是否同意 決定在於自己~。
    在去酒店上班之前,一定要給自己定一個目標及方向,你必需了解自己為何來酒店上班,目的何在? 出發點是什麼?

  2. 2020.08.03【18禁】酒店小姐深夜保健室不敢來酒店上班-酒店打工的原因曾經做過酒店小姐雞排妹近來化身性愛大師,在節目《酒店小姐的基本介紹跟工作內容深夜保健室》中大談18禁話題,最新一集找來八大行業老司機涼圓,分享我在酒店上班的日子按摩養生館和酒店的差別,不僅列舉養生館裡的「酒店兼差不是一個複雜的工作環境?」,還透漏曾有客人肖想無套,竟瞎扯懷孕更好,讓雞排妹怒轟「好噁心」。在養生館做幹部的涼圓說,按摩養生館和酒店的氛圍大不相同,因此客人TA(酒店小姐上班通常會取什麼名字?)也不一樣,會去酒店小姐去酒店上班都一定要出場接s嗎?大多以商務、談生意為主,希望小姐能幫忙帶氣氛,所以會較熱鬧;但會去養生館的人,主要是想達到身心靈放鬆,能和身材姣好的正妹有所互動。除了揭開養生館的神秘面紗,涼圓也爆料,這行很常遇到無良奧客,曾有做「全套服務」的按摩妹妹跟她說,有個客人想要求她無套,但她婉轉回應「可是我怕我會懷孕怎麼辦」?沒想到對方竟口出狂言,認為懷孕更好,因為「就可以接3個月的無套,之後再拿掉就好」,讓雞排妹大喊噁心,認為對方根本就是沒有同理心。而前陣子疫情關係,有小姐因酒客染疫,導致整個台灣的八大行業同時歇業,讓雞排妹關心起八大行業小姐失業狀態,不過涼圓透漏小姐心態,「今天酒店不能上班,難道我就不賺錢」,爆料這些小姐全跑到按摩店打工,讓雞排妹聽了恍然大悟。
